2 containers chicken wings (about 24 wings)
1/2 garlic, crushed
1 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup sake
3 tbsp mirin
1. Pre-heat the oven to 400F with convection. (If you are making these later, you can pre-heat when you make them later. You can also make these chicken wings on the grill).
2. Mix the soy sauce, mirin, sake, and garlic together in a bowl.
3. Add your chicken wings to your marinade and allow to soak for at least 30 minutes.
4. Prepare your baking set up. My dad likes to wrap a baking dish in aluminum foil and then top the dish with a wire baking rack, which is sprayed with PAM.
5. Lay your chicken wings on the rack. Allow chicken wings to bake for about 30 minutes and be sure to watch your chicken so they don't burn!!!
serving: 341 calories / 17 g carbs / 17 g fat / 21 g protein / 5.463 g
sodium / 8 g sugar
Serves 4
Note: Depending on how much salt is added, calories and sodium content may increase slightly.
Disclaimer: The nutritional information provided was generated using the "My Fitness Pal" app and may not be 100% accurate.
(recipe taken from:
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