We would like to keep you in "the loop" with our current projects & movements. We have been working with The Bronx Re-entry center (federal halfway house for new release offenders). We hold job workshops, where we recruit non-violent offenders those who sign up go through a four week training process. Upon completion, they recieve certification and find job placement within the fitness industry at numerous health clubs throughout the NYC area. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and when we are able to aid others with the use of the passion for fitness...we jump at that chance!
This week, we want you to focus on staying motivated. As the months get colder, you may lose the zeal to workout like you were in the warmer months. You may not pursue your business endeavors in the way in which you were in the summer. We want U to remember that the grind Never stops, only U are in control. So go get it!
Til next time!
Stay positive, stay motivated, STAY U!!