Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Healthy Recipes: Asparagus Wrapped with Thinly Sliced Beef

This is such a winning dish and so delicious. The crunchiness of the asparagus and the flavoring of the beef is a delightful. The assembly is a bit tricky, but it is so worth it in the end!

1/2 cup yakiniku sauce
1 bunch of asparagus, cleaned
1 lb thinly sliced beef

*Note: if you go to an Asian grocery store, you can find the yakiniku sauce and the thinly sliced beef.

1. Marinade the beef at least 1 hour in advance.

2. Gently layout the beef and prepare the roll around asparagus.

3. Prepare and steam the asparagus.

4. Place the asparagus at the end of the beef and roll.

5. Place the rolled asparagus to the side.

6. Heat some PAM in a pan and cook the meat until you get some nice coloring.

Serve immediately 

Per serving: 156 calories / 7 g carbs / 11 g fat / 8 g protein / 0.56 g sodium / 4 g sugar
Serves 4

Note: Depending on how much salt is added, calories and sodium content may increase slightly.

Disclaimer: The nutritional information provided was generated using the "My Fitness Pal" app and may not be 100% accurate.

(recipe taken from:

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